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Costa rica amazing tours

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We have to gather activities and challenges to have Costa rica amazing tours and a different way to fell and inspire both amazing tours sensations as aspiring. From the epic to the local, land and air, the proposals offered in Costa Rica will encourage the traveler to dream, plan and implement their own adventures.

Costa rica amazing tours costa rica different way to fell and inspire both sensations categories of rafting Hand with diving Hiking is the best
Are you looking for Unique Adventures at Costa Rica? We are providing Kayaking, Rafting, Bungee Jumping, Rappelling, Hiking, Diving and many more amazing adventures at cheap prices
Date published: 12/01/2016
5 / 5 stars

Search for unique amazing tours

Top ten of Unique Adventures Costa Rica

  • Volcanoes Hiking 1. Volcanoes Hiking: From the top, you will see and enjoy one of the most amazing views you can have the Arenal,Poas,Irazu,Rincon de la vieja volcanoes, a panoramic view of the most volcanoes of the Chilean territory, and several lakes lakes in the region
  • Rafting in Pacuare 2. Rafting in Pacuare: Come with us and enjoy an entertaining this Costa Rica amazing tours and down to the river rafting Pacuare adrenaline. Whether from San Jose or South Caribean, you will learn the fun of fast water. The names of the rapids say it all: Last smile, Devil's Throat and the ugly. In addition to the amazing tours you can enjoy the beautiful landscapes and birds
  • Hidrospeed in Arenal Lake 3. Hidrospeed in Arenal Lake: new amazing tours and sports that arrived more than 6 years in Arenal Lake, is to individually down the rapids of Trancura. The Hidrospeed or mushing Water is rafting on a sled in which you place the top of your body then begins the amazing tours down the river ... The Hidrospeed has special equipment that protects the lower part of your body . With these tools you can only start the amazing tours downriver, enjoying direct contact with water and foam fast
  • Kayak in Tortuguero 4. Kayak: A unique experience is to descend the rapids of Tortuguero Kayak, only for those looking to experience emotions to the limit and thrill seekers. In it, the practitioner descends down the river in a kind of canoe in which is seated facing the direction of travel and pushing with the help of the so-called "shovel" which acts as rowing, but differs from it in its design, because it has double "spoon"
  • Sport fishing 5. Sport fishing: is one of the most massive sport on the planet, which is to catch fish using an artificial lure, which tries to represent animals or insects of which these species feed, thus achieving induce them to bite. You can enjoy this activity in different rivers, of which can get delicious species of different sizes, all complemented with beautiful landscapes that characterize southern Costa Rica
  • Canopy 6. Canopy The canopy is a new amazing sport whose main objective is to offer a unique activity and a different ecological experience which consists in not altering the habitat. The feeling of walking the lake forest from the top of the trees, swaying or suspended in the middle of nowhere, is funny and exciting.
  • Horseback Riding in Guanacaste 7. Horseback Riding: The group rides are one of the most beautiful experiences that can be done because it can reach more remote and beautiful places. In Guanacaste, you will find a variety of rides, with diverse and unique routes, with which you can learn, observe and photograph the beautiful flora and fauna of the area. No matter if you're a child, or if you have no previous experience, we will recommend the best choice for you to enjoy the best choice for you or your family
  • Trekking 8. Trekking Join us to enjoy the various national parks in the area. You can visit the Braulio Carrillo National Park and National Park among others. Accompanied by experienced Naturalist tour guide experienced Naturalist tour guide will help you have a fun, safe and informative tour, explaining to the formation and development of each of these routes
  • Mountain Bike in Puerto Viejo 9. Mountain Bike: Scroll through the beautiful surroundings of Arenal bike. A mountain bike trail will allow you to achieve a closer Arenal with nature and each landscape Arenal and its surroundings has to offer.
  • City Tour 10. City Tour: A tour of the city, the shopping market artisans in wood, flowers, Plaza de la cultura, square, Costarican Art Museum in La Sabana, National Theater, Pre-Columbian Gold Museum, overlooks Tourist attractions in San Jose and finally gateway Queule in the Trancura river

Costa Rica family tours

Hiking the volcanoes is a really unique and amazing experience: With a truly admirable diversity of ecosystems and active volcanoes, Costa Rica is the ideal place for adventurous travelers worldwide destination.Experience that tourists will not forget is the exploration of volcanoes. Some of the most important unique Costa Rica tourist attractions of the country are its mountains and volcanoes, and explore these places and it is on off amazing tours in itself.

The hiking trails are found for a unique amazing tours in virtually all parks and recreational areas of Costa Rica. Part sport, part tourism, hiking is the best way to learn about the landscape, flora and fauna. Normally the trails are labeled and in some parks and reserves are maps that walkers can use for guidance. Is essential to wear the right shoes, water, a raincoat and always stay on marked trails.

img1map-area1 img1map-area2 Unforgettables Unique amazing tours
Unforgettables Unique amazing tours
Hiking the volcanoes is a really unique and amazing experience
Hiking the volcanoes is a really unique and amazing experience
Unique tours for tourist plan
Unique tours for tourist plan
Beautiful experiences that can be done for old people
Beautiful experiences that can be done for old people

Volcan Arenal

The Arenal Volcano is located in the district of La Fortuna, canton of San Carlos, in the province of Alajuela. It has a height of 1670 m and is located within the Arenal National Park. He began his last activity in 1968 and ended in 2010. There was a huge explosion in 1968 that caused great material and human losses. Then there was only emission of gases and vapors, with some explosions emitting pyroclastic materials for many years, which made him the most active volcano in Costa Rica. The volcano it is estimated 7000 years old and has had four strong explosions at intervals of lighter activity.

Costa rica adventures in arenal
Costa rica adventures in arenal

The volcano is present everywhere in this region and has many unique amazing tours tours for tourist, its breathtaking view can be seen from places like La Fortuna, El Castillo, Arenal Lake and many other locations. You will be able to see it in many of my photos in this post, the volcano is always reminding us that the protagonist of this land. And the fact that this landscape owes its beauty to this volcano, without him it would not be the same. Let's start the tour of the various tourist attractions that can be found in Arenal, especially I can tell you more about what I could see.

Barva Volcano

Barva volcano is located in the northwest of Braulio Carrillo National Park. More than 2,900 meters above sea level, rugged mountains, dormant volcanoes, deep canyons, swollen rivers, and clouds seem endless, characterize the Braulio Carrillo National Park, Park 118,000 hectares (84 percent of which is primary) forest stretches from 2,906 meters above sea level atop Barva volcano to 36 meters La Selva, in Sarapiquí in the Caribbean lowlands. We have a close relationship with the "Barva Volcano Park" and can arrange tours and special tours of all categories within the park and the various crater lakes. Finca Rosa Blanca has helped the park administration for writing and printing brochures, helped with trail maintenance, and general technical and life support.

Costa rica activities at Barva Volcano
Costa rica activities at Barva Volcano

Ricon de la vieja Volcano

This sector is very important for the city of Liberia since the early 20th century from water uptake an unique amazing tours was established by Transbase of several rivers to carry this precious liquid into town. Today the Santa Maria Sector makes up approximately 40% of total water Use it community.

Costa Rica Activities to explore Rincon de la vieja volcano

The mansion Santa Maria: It is one of the few mansions along with Santa Rosa, are faithful witness of all the cattle culture of Guanacaste. The life of this old adobe house revolved around livestock activities dual purpose (meat and milk), crops of coffee and sugar cane; for some time to sawing wood. In an effort to keep it has been restored in March 1997.

Hummingbird Trail adventure: A short trail of 500 meters passes through an old sugar mill and connects to the main trail that goes to the hot springs.

The unique Hot spring waters: Catarata Enchanted Forest: A small but beautiful waterfall of cold, fresh water, a beautiful place to sit esuchar the sounds of nature and appreciate the beauty of this forest , really lovely.

Pilas de agua fría: is located at the foot of the Rain Forest, surrounded by platanillas and looking like a cemetery of trees. This is another volcanic manifestations present in the Rincon de la Vieja. The activity is quite similar to that occurs in clay pots, since it is also for disintegration of rocky material that by joining with water and heat sources are expelled to the surface by fractures in the earth; the only difference is that in these pailas a component cooling water and is called carbon dioxide is present. Water has a light brown color and mineral content evidence.

where to visit costa rica
where to visit costa rica

Top Costa Rica adventure tours

Puerto Jiménez can be a central place to kayak tours through the mangroves in the area. Enjoy the view from the kayak, the exuberance of tropical forest and the animals that are observed on the edge of the mangroves: insects, birds, frogs, monkeys.

kayaking as unique amazing tours should be practiced in a group, look for a club, school or group of canoeists. It is easier to get close to the paddlers when you see them on the beach, and ask. How difficult it will be that you do not tend hand. If you get a group coupled already have won half war. The company equals more security and will have the opportunity to try different boats and equipment and find out what you need and to spare. Also think that where there is a flock paddlers in second-hand market by probe. Kayakers, we usually do not stop buying things, and we usually let go of what we do not use. Some actually seem to enjoy more with trapicheo material with rowing kayak


Is one of the Unique amazing tours costa rica that are advertised, one of the most visible. There are different categories of rafting for the more adventurous and more conservative. Costa Rica has a long tradition in this sport, so you can be absolutely calm about the safety of experience.

Categories of rafting
Categories of rafting

Although it is advisable to swim, even this requirement is essential for this sport, though, it is never too late to learn. Although we are in a lamentable physical form and devote all our energies to hard work, rafting is the perfect excuse to forget all tensions and everyday stress and embark on an intense amazing tours that will recharge us energy to continue our particular struggle for survival.


There are many sites that offer diving in Costa Rica, both on the beaches of the Pacific and the Atlantic. The best: can take lessons right here. The legendary place to visit is the Isla del Coco, which also has a great history and is probably the most important natural protected area.

Diving in Costa Rica
Diving in Costa Rica


Hand with diving, snorkeling is a quieter sport, per equally fascinating. Take a boat and discover the underwater world of Tortuga Island in Malpais, Santa Teresa. It is a fascinating experience, while feeling the water currents passing around him, admire the lush marine life, coral reefs, aquatic plants and many species of fish and shellfish that live in the area.


Virtually any coast of this country can find a fabulous place to surf. What advise? Malpais, Santa Teresa. Incidentally, you can leverage to take the snorkel tour.

Costa Rica has become one of the favorite destinations for surfing et worldwide for easy access to its oceans and surf variety of categories that can be practiced. There are four different areas are the Caribbean and North coasts, Central and South Pacific and also adding the particularity of your stay, is considered the surfing paradise. The Pacific coast has more points to ta activity. Most of these are found in the province of Guanacaste, northwest of the country, but there are also excellent places et Central and South Pacific area as well as the Caribbean.


Travel by boat along the rivers and canals and through the canyons that form in the mountains, experience the feeling of breeze, perhaps the drizzle, and see the animals in their wild habitat.


From high mountain peaks down to the ground, behind a spectacular arid or between walls of a canyon waterfall.

Windsurfing another unique adventures

This is a really Unique adventures in Costa Rica key places for windsurfing is the Laguna del Arenal Volcano. You will find specialized sites where you can rent equipment and take lessons. The average wind speed is about 50 mph and drafts usually remain constant throughout the day, approximately 6 am to 6 pm.

Zip Line

The adventures tourism in Costa Rica is exclusively environmentalist and leisure and recreation, as the tourist who practices it is inserted in the very heart of our native forest, and impregnated the typical naturalism of our area and its biodiversity, knowing and experiencing the different types of native tree specimens, walking on the forest canopy and can absolutely observe all the underbrush, from the highest level.

Zip Line in Costa Rica
Zip Line in Costa Rica
This type of circuit of unique adventures, consisting of a system of platforms wood and other fasteners, placed in different trees together these steel wires, where the visitor can move and travel distances ranging from 60 to 250 meters, according to sections , provided and suspended from a harness and can reach speeds up to 25 km. per hour. The feeling of flying bird is installed in the spirit of that practice and feel the vastness of space as a necessary resource that takes you away from everyday problems and crowds of the city.

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